Fifth Friday at the H. I. Lincoln Building

October 2014 has five Fridays and that means music at the H. I. Lincoln Building in Franklin Grove!

Jim Wolber at the Lincoln Building

For more than a decade Franklin Grove’s historic H.I. Lincoln Building has hosted some of the music world’s best artists as a part of their third Friday “Blues & Bluegrass” and special Fifth Friday shows. Among the “best of the best” in this stellar lineup has been Franklin Grove’s own Jim “Mr. Friday Night” Wolber.

Jim’s musical talents, both vocal and guitar, are recognized by music fans from Nashville to Chicago. His Country meets Rock & Roll music style has an appeal that everyone can enjoy.

In 2014 a Fifth Friday and Halloween both occur on October 31st, a confluence of dates that won’t occur again until the year 2025. Certainly, in addition to great music, the situation calls for special prizes for: Most Original Costume; Scariest Costume; and Most Beautiful Costume

There will be two action packed shows at 7:00 and 9:00 pm. Seating is limited so don’t delay. Tickets are available for a $10 donation by calling the H.I. Lincoln building at 815-456-3030 daily from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, noon to 4:00 pm on Sundays, or stop by the H.I. Lincoln building during the same hours.

Jim’s shows are always sell-outs. Be sure to get your tickets early.

For more information:
Ron Colson 815-973-0942

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