H. I. Lincoln Building as a Hospital

Top floor of H. I. Lincoln Building used as a hospital

This is a copy of a very old photograph. The top floor of the H. I. Lincoln build is called Lincoln’s Hall or Lincoln Hall and someone wrote in pencil on the back of the photograph that the north side of it was used as a hospital. With that photograph was a stamp, which initially looked like a 3-cent postage stamp, dating to the early 20th Century. But, it is not a postage stamp, it is a 3-cent Inter Revenue Proprietary stamp with George Washington’s image. The age of that stamp is possibly between 1865 and 1871, based on similar stamps appearing on the Revenue Collector Website. That revenue stamp provides a possible time-frame of the H. I. Lincoln Building used as a hospital to between 1865 and 1871 and in looking at the style of the bonnets worn by the women in the photograph, that time frame seems logical.

Reverse of hospital photograph, with 3-cent Revenue Stamp and penciled note indicating Lincoln’s Hall used as a hospital

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